Saturday, 15 February 2014

Quilted Nails Skittle

This weekend I had planned to post about the Models Own Hypergels which I bought over a week ago. However, I just can't get them to work! I've tried multiple times now, and am getting frustrated. They just don't dry on me! I was going to try again tonight but then I couldn't be bothered, and instead wanted to use my very pretty and lovely Barry M Silk polishes. 

I decided to try a quilted nails look, in a skittle!  I paired each Silk up with a similar coloured creme, so here we have Blossom, with Barry M Strawberry Ice Cream, Heather with Rimmel Pro Ultra Violet, Meadow with China Glaze Keep Calm, Paint On, and Mist with Blueberry Ice Cream. 

This is how I did it.  Lots of striping tape and a steady hand. I've seen this idea on a few blogs recently, but the best tutorial I've seen is by The PolishAholic.

And these are the results! I'm SO chuffed with these! I'm really pleased with how they came out. I like the contrast between the matte Silk underneath and the glossy creme, and I like the raised pattern. 

I'm really excited about this design! I'm thinking there are so many ways it could work - highly contrasting colours like black and red, or black and white, or the same colour but matte & shiny, or with a really shiny holo polish underneath, or with a gradient underneath...

 What do you think?


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!!! The Barry M polishes just look lovely on you, and the quilting deaign... Wow!

    1. Aw thank you!

      I really love these Barry Ms, they're so nice!

  2. This looks amazing! What a great idea :)

    1. Thank you! It wasn't my idea, I've seen these on a few blogs recently. In fact, I'll edit and add that in.

  3. This design is gorgeous! I really like the contrast between the silk and creme polishes - especially the blue and purple! :)

    1. Thank you!

      Yes, I think the blue and the purple had a tiny bit more contrast, which I like more.

  4. Preeeeeeeeetty!

    I wonder how it would look with a foil on top - it would either be amazing, or too similar to the silks.

  5. SOOO COOL!!! And pastels! And silks! (I don't know what those are-- but still, omg love! LOL!)
    Pray tell, how did you get such crisp, neat lines with the striping tape?!

    1. Thanks! If you look back at the last couple of posts you can see the silks on their own - they're lovely.

      Crisp lines were just down to making sure tape was down really closely, and that I took it off straight away.

  6. This contrast is gorgeous! I love the quilted idea - it works really well! I cannot wait to see what other ideas you come up with for this design! I love the pink nails the best!

    1. Thanks! If I have time, I'm doing more tonight.

  7. Fabulous, can't wait to see these in person :)

    1. Thanks! Sadly, they've gone now :(

    2. :( you might just have to have another go at them for me then :)


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