Sunday, 3 November 2013

Born Pretty Store Rose Decals

Today I have more water decals from the Born Pretty Store to show you. I am absolutely in love with these ones!
roses decals 1
These are item no. 5310 which you can see here, in the #9 option, the roses. There are 9 different options, from butterflies to flowers to skulls...  As you can see, there are LOADS of flowers there, enough for multiple manis, and this huge sheet costs $4.99!
rose decals 3
I painted my nails with a base of two coats of Barry M Vanilla, and then added several roses and some topcoat to make this look.
rose decals 4
I love how easy water decals are to use - you just cut them out, drop them in a small bowl of warm water, and then slide them off the paper and onto the nail. Pat them dry with cotton wool, and topcoat, and that's it! 
rose decals 2
Aren't they pretty?
rose decals 1

If you like these, you can buy them from Born Pretty Store and get 10% off with my code:

And if you can wait a little while - you can enter my very exciting competition later today and WIN your very own set of these!  Stay tuned for more information later today!

I received this product for review purposes, but words and opinions are entirely my own. I do not receive anything if you use my discount code, although when it's been used ten times, BPS will let me host a giveaway for my readers! See my Disclosure page for more details.


  1. These decals look so pretty! They look great with your base colour too! :)

    1. Thanks! I do really love water decals. I thought with all that pink, I needed a nice neutral base, haha!


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