Friday, 20 April 2012

NEW Barry Ms! Copper

Barry M has a whole new load of polishes out!They've got a glittery black, a shiny aqua teal, a dark blue shimmer, a whole load of magnetics with different shaped magnets (I got the red with diagonal lines) and this one, Copper.
copper 1
I couldn't resist this!
copper 6
Copper is the perfect kind of colour for me. I love this sort of shade. It's a rich bronze copper foil, with particles of gold and pink in there too. This is two coats, with topcoat.
copper 5
In close up there are a couple of bald patches, but they really don't show in real life. I could have done three coats and that would have fixed them I'm sure. The topcoat did seem to shrink the very tips a little, so maybe next time I'll leave that off. 
copper 3
The colour is gorgeous though! It's so shiny and sparkly and pretty! I really like it. It's the usual Barry M quality, and I have no complaints.

copper 4

copper 8
The new Barry M polishes are available in Boots and Superdrug. This one, and the other non-magnetics are the same price as the usual ones, and the magnetics are £4.99, and both shops currently have a buy-2-get-£1-off thing.


  1. Love this! Barry M's need to come stateside. ;)

    1. I imagine they'd have a lot of competition! They're by far the best brand here - very affordable, sold everwhere, huge range, great quality.

  2. Replies
    1. It's nice isn't it? The new shades all look pretty good too.

  3. Great color! Looks like it has fleck & lot's of dimension.
    Reminds me of Zoya "Richelle". :-)

    1. I'll have to take a close up - there are all kinds of colours in there!

  4. Oh wow I love this colour, going to have to make a trip to Superdrug to buy some I think! I'm wanting to invest in the magnetic ones too, I love the Boots magnetic ones, and these Barry M ones have different patterns don't they?! Sounds brill!

    1. Isn't it pretty? I've made a necklace to go with it too - I'll post a photo at the weekend perhaps.

      I have the Barry M red magnetic with diagonal lines. It's good - I must blog about it soon.

  5. I love this colour. I was in super drug today but I didn't see this.

    1. Keep looking - it'll turn up. It's nice. I made myself a pendant - I must take a photo next time it's sunny.

  6. I got one today! I need you to blog the glittery black and the metallic teal as well because I looked at them but couldn't decide.

    Also, they had loads of lavender foil in Superdrug in the Brunswick Centre.

    1. Haha! I don't have the teal or the black glitter. I considered both, but the teal looks very like my Rimmel Green with Envy, which I ought to blog (haven't worn it in ages). I don't have a black glitter except the disappointing Orly Goth, so maybe I will give in.

      I got a lavender foil in the end, but still not seen any here. Derbyshire must be going crazy for it or something!

  7. Wow this is gorgeous. I wanted a gold nail varnish and this looks perfect.

    1. It's nice isn't it - and a bargain price too!


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