Sunday, 22 April 2012

Snooker Nails!

So, at about this time every year, I do snooker nails! I love snooker. I especially love the World Championships, because I'm lucky enough to live within 10 miles of the venue, the wonderful Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. 

I've been watching snooker since my childhood, but I've been going to see it live since 2003. 

In previous years, I've just done multicoloured nails for the snooker. But this year, now that I have both more nail varnish and (slightly) more skills, I decided to do snooker balls peeking out over the baize. I used hole reinforcers and curved French manicure guides. 
snooker nails 2012 1
The colours I used were: Barry M Spring Green, Barry M Yellow, Rimmel Heart on Fire, Barry M Cobalt Blue, Rimmel Black Out, Models Own French White, and Barry M Bright Pink.
snooker nails 2012 2
I was disappointed with how badly the red went on over the green - I wanted a brighter, cherrier red. I'm also a bit ashamed that I forgot to moisturise my cuticles on my right hand! I'm so used to not showing it!  Some of my nails look a bit messy, but I blame that on the fact that I needed quite a lot of coats to get proper coverage over the green! If I was doing it again, I would mix the colours up more - I wouldn't have only black and white with the reds on one hand, and blue/yellow/pink on the other. The result was that my left hand looked far more colourful than my right.
snooker nails 2012 3
They're less than perfect, but I'm looking at them from the point of view of someone who reads all the nail blogs and sees all those perfect nails out there. I have to keep remembering that MOST NORMAL PEOPLE don't notice that there may be tiny overlaps of colour along my cuticles, or tiny drags of colour that the seche vite has dragged from one area to the othe... Overall, I'm pretty happy with these. 



  1. i accidentally just deleted your comment on my blog :( but the tip you left was great! why didn't i think of putting sticky tack there?! thank you!!

    1. You're welcome! I was doing the same thing - messing around trying to hold it steady, and getting polish on my fingers, and then I wondered whether tape would hold it steady, and then I suddenly though of blue tack/sticky tack! It works a treat!

  2. Very cute! The green is very nice

    1. thanks! It stains like hell though - really bad!

  3. Oh no, I've just seen your comment about the green staining -- I liked it so much I went and bought it today! Does it even stain through a base coat?

    1. It doesn't stain much, just a tiny bit. Maybe an extra layer of base coat could solve that.

    2. Oh, I just noticed my other comment about it staining really badly! Lol. I can't remember now. BUT it was only 10 days ago, and the staining didn't last more than a few days.


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