Saturday, 5 May 2012

More American Swap Excitement!

I had another swap with my American nail varnish buddy!  

I've been mega distracted by the snooker recently (only three more days to go!) but this was a very welcome diversion when I got home late from the Robertson-O'Sullivan quarter final on Wednesday night.

Look at all these goodies!
usa swap 1
This is a FOUR of the China Glaze Hunger Games polishes that I was lusting after - Electrify (red & gold glitter), Riveting (bright orange shimmer), Harvest Moon (rusty brown foil) and Stone Cold (dark grey shimmery matte). Plus two Sally Hansen glitters - Gemstone overcoat in Ring a Ding (large gold and peachy pink glitter) and Lady Luck (fuschia and silver glitter). I am VERY EXCITED! Thank you Ari!! 

I couldn't decide what to go for first, and the two I most want to wear are Electrify and Riveting. However, I decided to go for Harvest Moon first.  This is two coats of Harvest Moon, with the Sally Hansen Ring a Ding over just the tips.
china glaze harvest moon 3
Harvest Moon is a lovely orangey browny foil, full of rich shimmer. It goes on beautifully, very smooth and even, and dries well. Ring a Ding has a clear base and lots of large hexagonal bits of glitter in pinky peach and gold shades - it's a lovely warm colour.
china glaze harvest moon 1
It was a bit fiddly trying to get out enough glitter to look decent without swamping the nail in clear base, but that's pretty normal for some glitters.  The bloody bits on my fingers are from the cat! Oops.
china glaze harvest moon 4
Ring a Ding looks awesome in the bottle! The bottle is all faceted and shiny, with a tiny sparkly 'gem' set in it for good measure.
ring a ding

Harvest Moon also looks very similar to Models Own Pro in Kiss My Brass. Here is KMB from last year:
kiss my brass models own pro
Kiss My Brass seems to have bigger particles of shimmer, so it's a bit less smooth-looking and a bit more shimmery. It's also a bit darker. I haven't blogged about this one - I may have to do a comparison post at some stage.

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