Thursday, 14 June 2012

Chanel - Rouge Noir

Back in the dark ages, years and years ago, in the days when I only owned TWO nail varnishes, one of them was this one, Chanel's Rouge Noir.
rouge noir 2
Rouge Noir became all the rage when Uma Thurman wore it and looked unbearably cool in Pulp Fiction, which was aaaages ago. I haven't worn mine in ages, and I regret it now, because LOOK! It's fabulous (of course)!
rouge noir 3
This is two coats of Rouge Noir, with no topcoat.  It's a really dark vampy blackish red, almost the colour of dried blood. In a tasteful, classy way though, haha!  
rouge noir 1
I wore this all day, and then this evening I've added a bit of my favourite glitter, China Glaze Solar Flare, because tomorrow is Friday, and Friday has to have glitter!  
rouge noir + solar flare 3
I'm pretty happy with this look.  
rouge noir + solar flare 2
Solar Flare is a great glitter - big sparkly shiny pieces of pure gold glitter. What could be better?
rouge noir + solar flare 1


  1. Now that is lovely, and just right for this moody "summer" weather we're having

    1. Thanks!

      I'm going very neon this weekend, in the hope it'll bring out the sun.

  2. That is THE color that got me into varnish (in the 90's) and then pulled me back in after a few years out of the game. =) This color was called "Vamp" in the US (Chanel's current "Vamp" is a totally different color; a metallic red thing) and it was a *huge* deal. It was sold out everywhere. You couldn't find it to buy it, at any price. There's a legend about a big Hollywood actress who stole the bottle at a party where Chanel was giving free manis. Another big actress said she 'dupped the vamp look by layering Wet 'n Wild varnishes.

    Mind you I have *never actually owned* this color-- or any other Chanel for that matter. Reviews on their quality vary so widely, I don't know what to believe. But I do own several 'vamp dupes' which I adore. First on my list is Essie's "Wicked". I bought it in '07 one day when I decided I absolutely needed to paint my nails & I needed it to be with "a vampy color". I went to a nail supply & perused the wall of Essie's until I found gorgeous "Wicked". I still have that bottle -of course- but now it's vintage. It's from the pre-3-Free days. ;-)

    All that said-- I ♥ this color so very much and I think it looks amazing on you. =)

    1. Thanks! I love this colour too.

      I can't fault the Chanel polishes that I've tried, although there haven't been many. This, and Peridot, and a really really good basecoat, and a gorgeous clear red jelly back in the 80s (or possibly 90s) that looked just like watermelon Jolly Ranchers.

  3. Oh oh, that looks very similar to one I have! I'm going to google, I think it was Max Factor. When I bought it I thought it was brown with an odd name for a brown but when I put it on it was dark blood red and awesome.


    It was ruby fruit. It must be hard to photograph because most of the ones that are coming up in image search look much more brown than it actually is.


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