Friday, 29 June 2012

Exciting Nails Inc Package!

Oh dear!  A couple of glasses of wine, an internet connection and a credit card, and clearly I'm a dangerous woman.  I went a bit mad on the Nails Inc website a couple of days ago. Yesterday, the postman tried to deliver a parcel while I was at work, and then this morning at stupid o'clock, I went to the sorting office to collect it.

Everything was nicely packaged in black Nails Inc tissue paper. First there was a magazine thing and my FREE GIFT - a set of 5 minis.
nails inc parcel 2
One of the packages was my main polishes - I bought two of the Sprinkles collection, Sweets Way and Sugar House Lane. I also bought Baker Street (the gorgeous blue) for my lovely American friend. The nude one (Colville Mews) was another free gift, because I joined the VIP programme.
nails inc parcel 1
The VIP programme seems like a bargain! You pay £5 for a year, and get a free full size polish (Colville Mews - normally £11), and 10% off every order, and a free polish on your birthday, and you collect points for every £1 you spend, adding up to more money off future orders. And because I spent over £35 I got free delivery, and the set of minis as well! How cool is that?
nails inc free gift
The minis have a purple creme, a silver metallic foil, a gold glitter, a glittery topcoat and a basecoat (the pink one). 

Then I unwrapped the main reason I went to the Nails Inc website in the first place, Jubilee, a limited edition glitter. JUST LOOK AT THAT!!
jubilee boxed
I assume that 'Gift Me' means something along the lines of 'give me away to someone else... i.e. a person who is NOT ME'... Let me think about that now... 
nails inc jubilee 2
Um... NO!  This is going NOWHERE.
nails inc jubilee
(FYI, on my nails is Barry M's Strawberry Ice Cream, a pretty pastel pink creme, with two coats of Opi's Pirouette My Whistle.)
nails inc parcel 4
So yeah - not a bad haul for a Friday morning! Perked my day right up, it did. I know what I'm doing this weekend!


  1. Baker Street looks AMAZE. (I totes recognised Pirouette My Whistle. I am currently wearing it over Don't Touch My Tutu which I like better than My Pointe Exactly but not as much as Care To Danse which seems the complete opposite of all the reviews I've read.)

    1. Baker Street looks like a one-coater too. I may have to keep it!

      I need to look at these opi ballet things I think...

  2. Ooh, nice! Can't wait to see swatches! :)

    1. I have no plans at all this weekend - so I think I'll be busy swatching and taking photos!


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