Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Nails Inc - Colville Mews

This was my free gift from Nails Inc for joining their VIP club. For £5 for a year, you get a free full size polish (this one, Colville Mews) and 10% off every order, and a free gift on your birthday. Bargain!

I would not have chosen to buy this polish. I don't really do these subtle, nude shades anyway, and I already have (and really like) Essie Sand Tropez, so I don't really need another. But I don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

This is two coats of Colville Mews, with topcoat. I thought it was ok, but I prefer the way that Essie's Sand Tropez looks. I am really bad at describing colours, and the two look very similar in the bottles. However, I think that Sand Tropez has a touch more grey in the mix, and Colville Mews has more... something else. And whatever the something else is, I think is less flattering on my hand. While I really really liked Sand Tropez, I'm not overly keen on Colville Mews.
colville mews 3
Also, this one chipped and peeled really badly during the first morning of wearing this. As I had such a fail with the Nails Inc Jubilee, I wondered whether it was to do with the basecoat I used. Instead of my usual OPI Nail Envy, I used the mini Caviar Basecoat that came with my Nails Inc set - I used this both with Colville Mews and with Jubilee the other day. 
colville mews 2
You can already see a couple of tiny chips on the tip of my index finger, and that's within hours of finishing painting.

My ring is OPI Be a Dahlia Won't You? and I Lily Love You.

I will try this again with a different basecoat, but I doubt I'll end up keeping this one.

(I have never heard of Colville Mews as a London street, so I looked it up. Apparently it's in Notting Hill, near Portobello Market.)


  1. Sand Tropez looks pinker on their website than Colville Mews, but Colville is slightly pinker on you, and that could be what makes your hands look a little pale. Pretty, but a bit washed out for me. I like my neutrals a bit stronger.

    1. Yeah, I agree, it's too washed out to work. Sand Tropez is just that touch browner/darker/whatever that makes it nicer.


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