Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Neon Fifty Fifty & Dots

I liked my last Fifty Fifty nails so much (courtesy of inspiration from the fabulous Jane at Nailside) that I did some more!

This is China Glaze I'm With the Lifeguard and Splish Splash. 

neon 5050 2
First I did this with tape:
neon 50 50 1
And then I got carried away and added some dots:
neon 5050 spots 1
They're not the neatest thing in the world, but they made me smile at work today.
neon 5050 spots 2
I love how shiny and shimmery these China Glaze neons are. I may have to go back and buy some more of them... 


  1. Oo oo I like much better with the dots. Daleky.

    1. Yay!I didn't think of daleks, but now you say it, I can see what you mean...


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