Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Chevron Tape Nails - Barry M Raspberry & Models Own Gold Rush

So, having discovered the amazing nails that Erika has done with SELLOTAPE at Chloe's Nails (seriously, have a look at them, they're amazingly neat and perfect and creative and intricate!) I have been buzzing about wanting to give it a go. 

First I painted my nails with Models Own Gold Rush, which I love as a colour.  My quest for the perfect gold nail varnish is a whole other post entirely - I'll save that one for a rainy Sunday. Gold Rush is a nice sparkly gold. 

Then I started on my left ring finger, and tried out Erika's amazing rays idea with tape and Barry M Raspberry.  It worked, but it was really fiddly and time consuming (I struggled to cut the tape narrow enough) so I did all the others with a chevron design.  I only smudged one, so for a first try, I'm quite pleased with the results. 

I've been wearing these for three days now - there is a little bit of tip wear, but that might just be shrinkage from the multiple layers of Seche Vite! Otherwise, they've held up well. 

  chevron tape mani 1 chevron tape mani 2
It struck me later that this looks very Gryffindor! The Barry M is officially a rich raspberry pink, but it looks very red to me, especially over the gold.


  1. I am intruiged... (I can't spell it, but still). Does the sellotape not pull off the underneath coat? I love French Nail varnish but I can never get it neat enough freehand and those stickers always seem to mess up! I think this looks gorgeous!

  2. It doesn't if you do it carefully, no. What I do is stick it to my hand a couple of times first, and then apply it gently to well dried nail varnish (I always use a drying top coat like Seche Vite or Sally Hansen Insta Dri), and then peel it off carefully.

    Thank you! (also, first comment! YAY!)

  3. Iron Man nails! LOL!

    (Love the "you might also like" windows. All sorts of gems pop up =)

    1. I saw it as a widget on someone else's blog and thought it looked cool - nearly half my hits are coming from that widget now!


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