Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Orange Comparison

This summer, I have been wearing a lot of orange nail varnish. It surprised me, as I never ever wear orange clothes, and don't even particularly like orange. But somehow I ended up with a whole orange shelf in my nail varnish collection... 

This is Barry M Block Orange (with bonus cat):

barry m orange

barry m block orange

The second photo was taken after three days' of camping, so the wear was pretty good! Block Orange went on as a lovely juicy jelly, slightly translucent and very shiny. This was (I think) three coats, and no topcoat. It lasted really well with no chipping for several days. 

This is Barry M's Tangerine:
barry m tangerine  
Tangerine is more opaque than Block Orange, and has a lovely shimmer to it. I loved how vibrant it was for summer, and it looks great on toes too. 

This is Opi's Take the Stage, which is from their 2010 Burlesque collection. I had never even heard of Opi when this came out though, and I found this online last week and fell in love with it and just had to have it. 
opi take the stage
I'm disappointed with the light in this photo, as it was a really cloudy day, but it was a lovely metallic orange, very shimmery and vibrant. This was two coats with topcoat (Sally Hansen Insta Dri) and it lasted for about three days before I wanted to change it for something else - there were no signs of any chips by the time I removed it, although there was a little tip wear. 

I love how summery the two Barry M oranges were for earlier in the year, and the Opi is perfect now the leaves are changing.

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