Saturday, 12 May 2012

Barry M Mushroom (+ Dots)

I don't think I've posted about Barry M Mushroom before, although I do wear it fairly regularly (as regularly as is possible when someone has ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY THREE different nail varnishes..!)
mushroom + dots 3
Mushroom is an even, taupey brown creme, of the standard Barry M formula. It dries beautifully glossy. This is two coats. Just for a change, I then added a few dots of Barry M Shocking Pink on my thumb and ring finger. I like brown and pink together, it always reminds me of raspberry chocolates. 
mushroom + dots 2
I wore this for a couple of days. It felt nicely subtle - I've not been in a very flashy or glittery mood recently.
mushroom + dots


  1. Ooh I love the pink on this mushroom colour. Looks lovely!

    1. Thanks! It's a combination I've always liked. It's such a good pink too - I've shown it a few times on the blog recently.

  2. I would not have thought to put those 2 together.
    But they contrast in such a complimentary fashion,
    does that make sense? LOL!

    What kind of a dotting to tool dod you use?

    1. Lol, thanks!

      I've got a set of dotting things of different sizes, bit like this:


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