Saturday, 12 May 2012

China Glaze Love Marilyn - Rings

I've posted about China Glaze Love, Marilyn before. See it here. This time, I wore it layered over a red creme. Because there was only one layer of glitter, this seemed far less sparkly than last time, although it didn't peel off the way it did last time.
love marilyn + mickey
Here is is with young Mr Michael, doing his best to look cute.
love marilyn ring 1
I wore it with my latest ring, a big heart made of Love, Marilyn over a black creme base. I chose black because I didn't want the heart to be TOO sweety/cheesy/love-hearty. You can't really see the black, but I think it does make a difference, and I like it.
love marilyn ring 2
I also made another ring, trying out a ring base I found online. I don't think I like the ring base much, it's very flimsy and the disc that you can glue the cabochon onto is very small, hence the tiny square (painted with Barry M Red Glitter). I also struggled to find a nail varnish that didn't look odd with the fancy wiggly metal of the ring. I don't think I'll buy any more of these ring sets. 
twisty ring 2
Look - the pointy bits that make it adjustable are very pointy, and dig in to my fingers, ouch!
twisty ring


  1. #1 - Kitty! ♥

    #2 - That red looks really great on you. =)

    #3 - I've found jewelry finding at my local hobby shop (I went looking yesterday) but not a *single* glass cabochon!

    #4 - I think that ring base is lovely. Maybe you can use it backwards? Fit it to you & glue the pointy ends to the back of your painted cabochon? Just a thought. =)

    1. 1. He is a devil. He pushed his way in to my affections a few years back, and frightens my indoor cat all the time. He has at least two other houses he goes to, but I think he likes me best!

      2. thanks!

      3. Booo! I got mine from an American company called Beadaholique - they've got tons of stuff online.

      4. I'm not sure that would work, because there's a little flat disc glued to the 'top' of the ring (opposite the pointy ends) which I think would look odd without something stuck to it.

  2. One of my summer projects is to shop some at Beadaholique & get a little varnish crafty. =)


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