Friday, 18 May 2012

Essie Jamaica Me Crazy + Sally Hansen Lady Luck

This is the second of my Essie polishes, Jamaica Me Crazy. Oh, I do love a bad pun!
jamaica me crazy 2
The application on this was lovely - really smooth formula, nice brush, dried evenly and quickly. This is two coats plus topcoat.
jamaica me crazy 1
I really like this - it's a lovely bright, saturated colour, a lovely zesty fuschia pink.
lady luck 2
After a couple of days, I decided to try out another of my American swap polishes, so I added Sally Hansen Gem Crush in Lady Luck over the top. This is two coats of Lady Luck over Jamaica Me Crazy.
lady luck 3

Lady Luck has a darkish pinky purple jelly base, and lots of bright magenta/fuschia glitter, and some bright silver holo glitter for good measure.  It dried very matte and dull, so I added a layer of Seche Vite, and then another layer, because it was still pretty matte. And then I added a layer of Sally Hansen Mega Shine topcoat, because it STILL wasn't very shiny!

lady luck 1
I liked this, but was disappointed in how much shinier and sparklier it is in the bottle than on the nails.  After all this, I had LOTS of layers: basecoat, 2 x Jamaica Me Crazy, topcoat, 2 layers Lady Luck, 3 layers topcoat = NINE layers. It didn't dry properly, and it all scraped off pretty easily a couple of hours later.  Next time I won't layer it, and I'll go straight for the very shiny topcoat instead of the Seche. 
lady luck 4
It's pretty though!

I'm off to France for a week - I've got China Glaze Riveting on my fingers, and Rimmel Heart on Fire on my toes. See you in a week!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in France, and come back with some continental pretties!

    The Gem Crush looks beautiful, I've been lusting over pics of it, but if the outcome's not as good as the bottle, I think it might just stay in my "Wishful Thinking" selection. I have too many glitters anyway.


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