Sunday, 13 May 2012

My First Essie! Sand Tropez

I haven't tried any Essie polishes before, although I've seen them online of course. I don't know if they just weren't available in the UK, or weren't available in the part of the UK where I live!  But large branches of Boots are now stocking quite a large range of Essie colours. The displays look fab - so many colours!  I got mine in Boots Meadowhall, for £7.99 each.  It was very hard to choose, but in the end I chose Jamaica Me Crazy (partly for the fab name, partly for the gorgeous bright shimmery fuschia colour), Matte About You topcoat (I do have a Rimmel matte topcoat, but don't like it very much, and I've heard great things about the Essie version) and a neutral nude skin-colour one called Sand Tropez. 
sand tropez 4
I don't have any nude coloured nail varnishes at all. I'm usually someone who prefers bright colours, and glitters - subtlety in nail varnish isn't me at all!  But I liked this. 
sand tropez 3
This is two coats plus topcoat. The first coat went on VERY streaky, and looked shockingly bad. However, when it dried, it looked great! I can't get my head round that. One coat looked really nice, but was quite sheer,so I added another for full coverage.
sand tropez 2
I really liked the formula and the brush. The brush was a bit wide for my little fingers, but with care, it was fine. The formula is smooth and shiny, and goes on really well. The streakiness disappeared totally as it dried.
sand tropez 1
I really like how this looks -it's subtle and calm, and looks nicely unobtrusive. While part of me is tempted to throw a load of glitter over the tips, or over one nail, I also really like how grown up and sensible it looks, so I'll keep it like this for work tomorrow, and maybe play with glitter tomorrow night!


  1. I didn't know! I shall put Essie brand on my shpooing list for you. The varnish that got me back in (after a long nail hiatus) was an Essie. =)

    1. Well it looks as though we now have them! In large quantities - there was a massive display with lots and lots of colours. No glitter though!

    2. Got it. ;-) Essie doesn't do too much glitter. But when they do, they're legendary; like "Starry, Starry Night".

    3. Got it. ;-) Essie doesn't do too much glitter. But when they do, they're legendary; like "Starry, Starry Night".

    4. Yes, I've seen that online, WOW!

  2. I definitely want to get some Essie since seeing it in Superdrug! John Lewis has always had Essie but it's more expensive in there. I have too many untrieds to justify buying any yet though!

    1. Ooh, I rarely get in John Lewis, so I did not know that!

      I know what you mean - I have a load of untrieds too. I just couldn't resist them!

  3. I also find the first coat of my Essie polishes streaky when applying, but when finished they look gorgeous. Strange...

    1. It was very odd. But as you say - perfect with two coats. Mine is still looking completely fresh, a day and a half later. I'm impressed!


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