Sunday, 6 May 2012

USA Swap 2 - China Glaze Riveting

This is the one from the China Glaze Hunger Games collection that I really REALLY wanted. I do love orange nail varnish!
riveting 3
This is China Glaze Riveting. It's a bright BRIGHT orange shimmer, packed with gold sparkle that glows like fire in the sunlight.
riveting 1
OMG I love this! It's just so alive! Sparkly, shiny, glowing... what more could you want from an orange?
riveting 8
This is two coats, with topcoat. If I was going to wear this for a while on its own, I might have done a third coat. However, I have plans for covering lots of this with some Stone Cold matte, so I stopped at two.
riveting 5
Application was lovely and smooth. It wasn't as quick drying as some colours, hence the tiny dent in my ring finger. I got a chicken ready for the oven half an hour after painting my nails, which is where the dent came from.
riveting 7
I am in love with this colour! It's so cheerful and happy and jolly.
riveting 6

What do you reckon?


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it amazing? It's like orange juice pumped full of glitter.

  2. I am loving the new Hunger Games varnishes - I want them all!

    1. THey're good aren't they? Although there are a couple that look a bit dull imo.


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