Saturday, 7 July 2012

Nails Inc - Sweets Way

This is one of the Nails Inc Special Effects Sprinkles collection - a set of polishes with a cupcake theme. 

This is Sweets Way, a pale milky blue-ish base with pink, silver and blue glitter.  This is two coats, with topcoat.
sweets way 3
I like how this looks, without being crazy about it. I'm not as in love with it as I was when I saw it on other people's nails online, but I do think it's really pretty.
sweets way 2
This isn't totally opaque, it has a definite jelly-ish quality, albeit a milky jelly look. My nail tips are still very visible, but I actually quite like that look here. I will probably try layering this at some point too, and see how different it looks then.
sweets way 1
I've also tidied up by blog a bit too - moved my 'about me' stuff to the top of the page, and added a spiffing new UK flag thing. What do you think?

(Apparently Sweets Way is in Barnet, North London. It does not look particularly sweet or cupcake-y, but at least I've learnt something today.) 


  1. Ooh I like this! Not sure I like it enough to spend so much money on it though. Nails inc is expensive! It's very cute though.

    Love the flag!

    1. Yes, I'd never have paid full price for it. I got a nice discount though for bulk buying and taking out the VIP membership. Plus I can't resist!

      Thanks - I got the flag from Sammy at Nailasaurus.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. I don't know - I liked it a lot more in the swatches I saw online. I added some Pirouette My Whistle over it though, and it looked really good!

  3. It's a bit "Glitter in the Air"-like... but the glitter seems stronger.
    But all in all, everything food related, is simply fab. =)

    1. Yes, I'd heard the Glitter in the Air comparison. I wanted that when I first saw it, but read so many disappointed reviews that I decided to pass.

      We do need more food-related nail varnish, that is definitely true.

  4. Wow, I love this polish! This is definitely on my list to get! I think Sweets Way is my favourite out of the Sprinkles collection, I would probably wear this more than the other ones in the collection! :-)

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's definitely very wearable this one - I've got lots of comments when I wear this one.


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